Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sunny and 45 degrees in November...we'll take it!

It was nice and sunny out today. So of course we and the curly tailed ones took the opportunity and headed to the park.

I remembered to bring the camera...and then managed to drop it in the dirt after which it decided it was done with me :(

I did get one picture worth sharing...

This is what sheer joy looks like :)

The good news is that the camera is not was just dirty and out of juice.

The even better news is that for my birthday I got a new to me much better digital SLR camera from my better half :)

Monday, November 25, 2013

I am hunter...hear me roar!

So we had an exciting Sunday morning this weekend.

Watson managed to locate and flush a mouse. He also caught the critter. We managed to get it from him as he dropped it right after picking it up...

He got cookies for capturing the intruder. I suspect he would have rather spend some more time with the mouse and carried out an execution and possibly even a discrete disposal of the remains, but I though that he had heaped enough glory on himself with the capture.

He spend a part of the morning after that hoping that the space under the sofa would dispense more mice for him...

All hail the conquering hero ;)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A small update...

Once again the holiday season is rushing at us. Thanksgiving being next week already. There are going to be no holiday trips for the Curly Tails this year. We have decided that we will stay at home. We have done several home improvements over the last few months and it is time to financially catch our breath a little.

Speaking of said home improvements... One of the things that was done is to replace our front door. A process that the dogs got to experience with me. They were not thrilled at having to be confined behind the barrier of their x-pen for almost the whole day while two guys ripped out part of their house and then put it back. It was not a fun day for any of us considering that we spend most of the day with the front room open to the elements with no door and it of course picked that day to snow for the first time this year. It was totally worth it though... Our new front door rocks!

Another thing we did for ourselves is to get a new and bigger bed. The Curly Tails heartily approve! They have been in heaven with the increased space, the new compfy mattresses, and the soft, warm comforter!

The last bit of very exciting news is that Watson's breeder has a litter of basenji babies I get to go play with :) I am looking forward to spending the next couple of months noodling Watson's baby relatives.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Picture Time: Sunshine in November edition

It being November now the weather has been windy, rainy, gray, and mostly chilly...but today we got lucky. The wind died down and the sun came out of hiding. We took the opportunity to head for a dog park outing.

Where the following things happened...

A wild chase with a GSP and a doodle...

Opposing points of view...

Huskies roamed free...

Watson did what he does best...

Menchi looked cute...

Menchi took in the view...