Thursday, November 8, 2012

And sometimes...he is just a jerk...


I love my dogs... I adore Watson. The way you can see him thinking. How clever he is. How sweet he can be...

Sometimes though my sweet boy is replaced by this cranky, controlling jerkface...

His latest offence was actually while we were volunteering at the dog fair last weekend :(  He has always been good with crowds and people...but last Sunday he got to a point when he decided he was done and turned into snark monster. I am not sure why, but he ended up spending the rest of the day sleeping in his crate.

He did seem a bit stressy that morning...but he usually handles stress well. Maybe it was still a blowback to being sick the week before and coming back to his normal self after a course of antibiotics.

Had he still shown signs of feeling unwell I would have never brought him... Had he ever shown signs of not enjoying these events I would not have brought him...but we have done this before and he always loved all the attention.

Maybe I am just a horrible owner and this is somehow my fault?

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