Monday, January 27, 2014

Picture Time: Puppy Bonanza

This Sunday was spent snuggling and being buried under puppies :)

First with Mazie and her puppies...

Apparently my jacket is tasty...


Oh hai... 

And then with Cassie's litter...

Mursi is hemming my pants...

I will eat your face!

Thoreau is showcasing basenji sleeping skills...
Pile o' Puppies!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Picture Time: The Mazie's Babies Edition

Yesterday was another puppy visit day. It was a busy one for Cassie's litter. We took their eight week stacked pictures and there were shots to be given. So I did not torment them by taking more pictures during play time with them :)

So you guys will just have to enjoy pictures of Mazie's litter instead :D

Not quite tall enough to drink out of the big dog bucket...

Strange sleeping positions are a basenji skill...

Melting puppy...