Thursday, March 8, 2012

Joy :)

One of the great things when you own and train dogs are those moments when you have been working on something together and it finally clicks for the dog after you have both been frustrated and struggled with a particular exercise/trick without much improvement for some time.

Down/Drop is a struggle for many dogs. Some don't like it because the cold floor on their bellies is icky, some do not like hard surfaces to lay on, some just do not like this exercise period. Menchi was struggling with this one. It did not click for her was I was asking her for. We tried different ways of approaching it, but she became frustrated with it every time after a few tries and we would move on to another exercise that she could do and succeed with to keep training fun for both of us.

The other night it suddenly clicked. I decided to try a down/drop on a whim...and behold here is Ms Menchi sliding to the floor. It is hard to describe the feeling that comes with this...jubilation is a good word for it. Joy for the dog, joy that you work as a team, and are communicating, just sheer happiness, and pride.

Menchi earned herself a big jackpot of treats!  The down/drop needs some work...but the hard and frustrating times with this exercise are past us.

Watson has also had a struggle. His is with the heeling... It is boring to him. So I was immensely pleased when in our last intermediate class the heeled beautifully. He is showing improvement and happiness in working with me. It means alot from a breed that is known to be very  indenpendently minded.

I love watching the wheels turn and the thoughts move across their faces when I work with them. My dogs are a joy!

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