Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Menchi does science...

So we had a trip to the vet last night with a squishy, itchy Shar Pei ear. Menchi was not at all thrilled about having her sore spot probed and swabbed. She decided that after the procedure the vet tech Sean was no longer her friend and shunned him with proper Pei scorn.

Apparenly Menchi is running her own little science project using her ear as a culture medium and dish. Dr Miller found not only yeast, but two different types of bacteria in there. One is probably a staphylococcus, the other is an as of yet unidentified rod. If it is still around after her course of antibiotics we are going to culture and id it. Culturing it now would only end up with it being overrun by one of the other microorganisms and give us no answers.

Clearly my dog loves science...she is a microbiolgist in the making. I have to talk to her about not doing any more self experimentation...

Also Watson is the world's worst alarm clock...he decided that five in the morning should be breakfast time this morning. He was an absolute terror when I resisted.

I made him wait until six until breakfast anyway...afterward he was more than happy to go back to sleep. Naughty basenji!!!

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