Sunday, April 1, 2012

Could have been worse...

...could also have been better.

We went to a new dog off leash area today. The plan was to meet up with our friend Sam, her son Ben, and their puppy Frankie. The goal was to work on Frankie's social graces. That part worked out just fine.

The part that was not fine is where a lady failed to restrain her reactive beagle and he bit Ms Menchi on her fluffy little muzzle. He got her good enough for there to be blood...but luckily did no real damage beyond a couple of small cuts. No stitches or vet intervention needed. Just TLC and antibiotic ointment. Thank the powers that be!

Now this particular dog had also growled and threatened a couple of dogs prior to his pouncing the Squishy. We were actually trying to move further away with our little gang, but his owner did not get the hint. *sigh*

This is the dark side of the dog park...things like this and worse can happen. Not everyone is in tune with their dog or with dogs in general. Or observant, or careful, or even considerate...

My dogs like to play and run off leash...they enjoy the company of other dogs. Generally most of our experiences are positive and happy ones. Sometimes though I ask myself is it worth the potential risk?

It's a hard question to answer...

Happily the mishap with the beagle did not sour Menchi on the rest of the fun to be had. Once the beagle vacated the premises things were safer. A lot of other folk and fun dogs showed up. The curly tails and Frankie had a good romp with a corgi, some setters, a white GSD, a boxer, a basset, and several canines of mixed origins :) 

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